Thursday, December 11, 2014

NASA using older technology has become almost a tradition

 Among our traditional thinking, always spacecraft are equipped with a variety of sophisticated techniques. But in fact, Orion NASA launched last week no less than a smart phone in your pocket much.

  According to reports, for stability, performance, Orion internal computer is very limited. NASA is considering the creation of a more able to cope with the complex space environment - including the ultra-high G-forces and radiation - instead of using those new, untested technology. According to one engineer said, Orion is equipped with a single-core IBM PowerPC 750FX processor, you know this, but 12 years ago the product. By today's standards, it is definitely the ghost.

  "What we want is stability and durability, rather than speed." An engineer at NASA explained. Another engineer is added to replace the new system is too expensive.

  NASA using older technology has become almost a tradition, but it is actually a prudent choice. Orion is responsible for avionics deputy manager Matt Lemke said, the old processor among the more affordable space radiation. Newer processors risk of failure, and this is disastrous for the space mission it.

  But Lemke also mentioned, Orion also use a lot of new technologies, such as for critical data transmission time-triggered Ethernet (Time-Triggered Ethernet).

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